
12 April 2011

Earth from the Air

Continuing the catch up I had to mention an inspiring exhibition which visited Bath City Centre last year. Described rather modestly on it's website as "A photographic portrait of our planet towards sustainable development by Yann Arthus-Bertrand" the Earth from the Air exhibition is a collection of images taken over 75 countries to highlight how much our planet is changing. Stunning aerial shots of natural and man made landscapes alike are available in a number of formats, often accompanied by interesting statistics and well worth a look. A selection of my favourites (all copyright Yann Arthus-Bertrand of course) are below:

Parabolic antennas on roofs in Aleppo, Syria

"Nearly a third of the world population still lives in countries where press freedom is simply not allowed..." 
Netherlands, Fields of tulips near lisse, Near Amsterdam
Fields of tulips near Lisse, near Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Due to the current agricultural production techniques, the earth could feed 12 billion people. Today, the population is over 6 billion, yet 800 million are suffering from hunger..."

Fishermen on frozen lake Baikal, Russia

"In the past fifty years, 25% of fisheries in the world have been seriously depleted..."
Uranium mine in Kakadu national park, Northern territory, Australia

"It takes 8 tonnes of manterial to manufacture a personal computer..."